Got Your PR Application Rejected? Here’s Why You Should Approach an Immigration Firm!

When you observe the first economical effects of the coronavirus, one can expect the decrease of global business hubs in many parts of the world to go on further until the world enters an era when COVID-19 becomes obsolete. Singapore is one of the countries that wants to ensure that its business hubs can reinforce their status as globally competitive when that time comes. By coming up with responses to the increasing geopolitical uncertainty, the disruption of technological development, and the society degrading to inequality, the country is confident in getting citizens and businesses back on their feet. One of the solutions that they emphasise is skilled immigration to boost its workforce and promote the talent capital in the country. With a large foreign population, it would not be a surprise for many people to seek their chances for the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Singapore PR application. PR stands for Permanent Residence. It is an immigration status that Singapore gives to a foreigner who is admitted to the benefits of living, working, studying, and retiring in the country. Becoming one takes around 6 to 12 months, and that long wait gives you a list of benefits and rights.

When you have been a Singapore PR for at least two years and you are above 21 years old, you become eligible to be a Singapore citizen. It is one of the coveted citizenship statuses, especially that Singapore is one of the world’s most peaceful countries. With the decline in the economy, the country is brewing plans to elevate sectors and industries in the post-COVID-19 era. What does this mean to people like you who want to become a PR or a citizen in Singapore? You would get a higher rate of application approval.

Candidates that have relevant experience and skills in one of the industries that Singapore plans to focus on, such as precision engineering, biotechnology, info-communications, among others. They will be on the lookout for skilled individuals who also express the desire to stay in the country to contribute their talents in upskilling their workforce. If you envision yourself living and retiring in Singapore with your family, investing in the services of an immigration consultancy firm would be your key to increase your chances of making your dreams into reality!

In this article, you will learn the signs that should prompt you to get the help of a reliable immigration consultancy firm with your application process. They are the ones you should approach because of reasons, which you would also find here. Once you have been convinced of the contribution they can do to your appeal and reapplication of your PR to citizenship, you should know what qualities that a reliable firm must possess. Lastly, if you are having a difficult time researching for a reliable and qualified firm, the latter part of this article will give you tips on where you can find one. Read further to be a step closer to your dreams!


Signs You Need Help from an Immigration Consultancy Firm

It is not rare to hear a Singapore citizenship application rejected, but you must not be disheartened to at least try. Remember that you would not know your chances until you experience the application process. If you are still hesitant because you see lots of factors that may come in your way, you should know the signs that would tell you to get the help of an immigration consultancy firm!

Here are the signs you must observe to know if it is time to search for a firm:


You do not know where to start

Applying for a PR can be overwhelming. You must have seen blogs from past applicants about their experience. While some articles are giving you tips, you cannot choose where you should start. While Singapore is welcoming to diversity, they want candidates who they know can contribute to the greater good of the country. Are you fully immersed in the daily lives of a Singaporean? Are you an entrepreneur who wants to establish a business in the country? You must highlight the good traits you know would be good in the foreign talent that the country wants to increase. Immigration consultants will be the ones to know how to do that!

You have been rejected

Experiencing rejection creates an emotional wound. Whether it is receiving a “no” from asking a crush for a date or significant as a life-altering rejection to become a Singapore PR to citizenship, it will take a hit on your motivations. However, you must know that there are people you can reach out to for help. One of them is the consultant from an immigration firm! Trust that they are knowledgeable on the appeal or reapplication process that can get you back on track on your goals in life.

You do not know what you lack

Application processes require that you complete what is asked. It includes your eligibility, kinship or family ties, employment terms, among many other things. If you are having a difficult time acquiring your requirements or finding out the factors that you lack, you should get to have a pair of knowledgeable eyes to check your application. This person can be a professional consultant for Singapore immigration. You can rely on their sharp eyes to know what you should be adding and removing in your application.


Why is Approaching an Immigration Consultancy Firm Worth It?

When you find that you experienced one of the aforementioned signs, a thought may run in your mind. You might be asking yourself if you should put your trust in an immigration consultancy firm. It is a valid question, and of course, the answer to that is yes. However, what are the reasons that can tell you they are worth your time and money? You can read them below!


Give realistic evaluation

Immigration consultants are called consultants for a reason. They are the people who you can seek and get advice from when it comes to areas of immigration in Singapore. Similar to approaching a doctor, they will give you a diagnosis first. In their terms, a realistic evaluation. There, you will learn your weaknesses and strengths. Once identified, they will take steps on how to improve your odds of success!

Save time and money

Have you met someone who applied plenty of times to appeal a PR rejection to Singapore? They must have shared how much money they have spent to make it all happen. Not only that, they must have dedicated hours to days to weeks to get their application going. Well, this is not what you would experience if you asked for the services of an immigration firm in the beginning. They will help you save time and money by handling your application process!

Ensure no errors in your application

When you want to reapply for a PR application, you would have to wait for six months. While it is less stressful than an appeal process, it would be better if you did not have to wait or go through it at all. To avoid the experience of getting rejected the second time around, an immigration consultant will ensure that your application is error-free. Trust in the skills they have because they can detect any plausible mistake that the ICA may find in your documents and credentials!

Improve your chances of getting accepted

If by unfortunate circumstances, you get rejected and you are clueless about how to appeal PR rejection in Singapore, your immigration consultant will take the wheel from then on. What they will do is review your case and determine what must be done to increase your odds of getting accepted. Typically, it may fall to one of the five categories of the application, such as:

  • Your education credentials
  • Employment records
  • The length of your stay in Singapore
  • Your contributions to Singapore’s society
  • Kinship or existing family ties with a Singapore citizen


Qualities You Should Find in an Immigration Consultancy Firm

At this point, you are slowly convinced of the idea of having someone by your side in this rigorous application process to become a PR or Singapore Citizen. What you must remember is that you should not choose the first immigration consultancy firm suggested to you by Google. You should also have a process of choosing a prospective service provider to help you in your journey to becoming a Singapore PR or citizen!

Take note of these qualities that make a reliable immigration consultancy firm:


Good track record

Nothing can be more affirming than knowing that a firm has a remarkable rate of successful PR and Citizenship applications. It goes to show that they perform the best practices that have helped applicants over the years. One way to know their record is by researching about them or asking them directly.

Had won awards for their excellent services

Awards and accolades tell plenty about a firm. These show that they have been recognised by impactful institutions because of their legitimate and helpful services to the growing foreign population in Singapore. Certifications also indicate that you can trust their services since it is a verified document that confirms their legitimacy!

Positive feedback from clients

With hundreds of applicants who appeal a PR rejection in Singapore, most of them have sought the help of an immigration consultancy firm. If you want to know the success of a firm, you should look into the testimonials of their past clients. It would tell you about their experience so you know what you can expect from their services. You might even find someone who had a similar case as yours! It would be reaffirming for you that there is a chance for you to get accepted as well.

A plus factor: Singapore-based

It is not a requirement for most applicants to seek a firm that is based on the country that they want to live in since there are existing immigration firms that have international offices. However, you might be the type of person who finds reassurance in knowing that the people who are helping you get a successful PR application is also in Singapore. Thus, you can add this to your list of qualities when looking for a firm.


Where to Look for an Immigration Consultancy Firm?

Now that you know what you should be looking for in a firm, you can start your search. The question that might pop in your mind right now is: where should I start? You have plenty of options on where you can find the immigration consultancy firm for you. Let these suggestions tell you where you can look:


Friends and family

Do you have a relative who had recently immigrated to Singapore? Well, you should approach them and ask for their recommendation. They will direct you to the firm they have worked with within the past. With your relative’s current living situation, you know you can trust their suggested firm!

Online forums

The internet is a virtually broad space, and it would not be impossible to find someone who can answer your concerns about finding a firm. You can start by sharing your concerns for your ICA Singapore PR application on Quora or Reddit. Expect that you will get answers from a few reliable people.

An important note: remember to stay anonymous! Do not share any of your personal information with a stranger. If they want to contact you to help, you should make a separate account where they can reach you.

Blogs from immigrants

People like sharing their experiences. Thus, it would not be difficult to find a blogger who wrote about their experiences with a firm they worked with in the past. There might be a handful of bloggers with different suggestions, so you should still be picky on what they have suggested!


Increasing Your Chances with Singapore Top Immigration

The complex immigration process of the ICA Singapore citizenship application may want you to have a trustworthy and reliable consultant. Singapore Top Immigration is made up of a team of consultants that you seek! They are highly experienced and skilled in the process of making an applicant be a Singapore PR or Singapore Citizen.

Trust that you would have better chances of succeeding in your application with them. Hence, send them a message on their website to get started today!