How Seeing a Dentist Can Save Your Oral Health

When was the last time you made an appointment with your dentist for a regular checkup? If it has been more than a year, you need to reconsider doing it as soon as possible. Seeing a dentist should not only be when you have an emergency. Your oral health also needs to be monitored closely by a Red Bank Dentistry specialist to ensure your mouth is free from gum disease and tooth infections. Dr. Louis B. Conte, DDS, and his team at Conte Dentistry can assist with identifying the issues and resolve them before they become life-threatening.

When to See a Dentist

See a dentist for:

Imperfect Smile

Do you find yourself avoiding talking or smiling around people just because you are worried about how your teeth look? If so, then there are high chances that your teeth could be stained, crooked, misaligned, damaged, or missing. You do not have to spend the rest of your life avoiding delightful moments just because your mouth is not healthy. You can still rely on a dentist to provide either cosmetic or restorative dental procedures to erase your problem.

Toothache and Swelling

Toothache can come as a result of improper brushing habits, injuries, or plaque buildup. The pain is so excruciating that it may cause the area around your teeth to swell. If the pain travels to your neck, then it means something is brewing on the inside. Only a dentist can identify the source of your pain and devise a better treatment plan for you.

For Follow-Up Treatments

Tooth restoration procedures such as the crown, dental implants, and dentures require regular reviews. Your dentist may want to check if the process worked and whether you are practicing good habits to keep your oral health in check. It also gives you peace of mind knowing your oral health is stable, mostly if another dentist did the procedure. Always honor the follow-ups because you never know what could go wrong.

Swollen or Bleeding Gums

Redness, swollen, and bleeding gums are symptoms of gingivitis. When left untreated, the condition can escalate to bone and tissue loss around your teeth. The situation is known as periodontitis. Be on the lookout for any changes or pain around your gums by consulting a dentist.

To Detect Cancer

Smokers and tobacco chewers are more prone to mouth cancers and foul breath. It is advisable to stop smoking to avoid developing the disease. A dentist can put you in a rehabilitation program to help you control the lifestyle habit. They can also address any mouth condition that could be causing your bad breath.

See a Dentist When You Notice These Signs

Dental anxiety happens all the time, but it is better to face your fears now and do not live to regret them later. Always make a point of attending bi-annual exams even if you do not have any symptoms that could indicate that you have oral disease. To find out more about how a general dentist can assist you, call Conte Dentistry.