Longevity of the Hair Transplant: Your Options Now

Among the most common questions asked by the patient in the preoperative period is how long a hair transplant can last. Although hair transplantation is a simple and less invasive operation, it takes a bit long. This is due to the precision of the procedure, but it does not prevent several other factors from intervening in determining the duration of the hair transplant.

In general, the hair transplant operation is performed in a single session, the average duration of which is about 6 hours. The first step in a hair transplant is the removal of follicular units from the donor area, this step usually only takes two hours of the total duration of the operation. However, as we have already pointed out, there are factors which influence this duration, in particular the degree of baldness of the patient. In the FUE Clinics  you can have the best hair transplant done now.

The time of a hair transplant operation can be determined depending on the level of baldness of the patient, the technique used in the procedure, the skill of the doctor but also the time of action of the anesthesia. Generally the factors influencing the time of the hair transplant are:

The degree of baldness:

The patient’s degree of baldness is the most influencing factor in hair transplant time, for example transplantation of 2500 follicular units takes about 3 hours. In addition, this factor can also be influenced by the scalp elasticity and the quality of the patient’s hair.

  • In other words, the larger the bald area of ​​the patient, the greater the number of follicular units will be and therefore the procedure will take a long time.
  • In the context of a hair transplant, the implanted hair will resume its normal growth cycle and will thus have a lifespan identical to the hair present in the donor area.
  • To fully understand this phenomenon, it is desirable to recall the principle of hair transplantation.

In order to regain normal hair density in the bald areas, hair is taken from the donor area, located behind the skull. The hair in this area is not subject to the action of an androgen, dihydrotesterone. This hormone has a key role in hair loss because it accelerates the hair cycle.

Each follicular unit or graft follows a hair cycle which is specific to it and which is broken down into 3 phases:

  • Anagen: growth phase, lasting 2 to 3 years
  • Catagen: rest phase, for a few weeks
  • Telogen: death phase, lasting a few weeks

The number of cycles experienced by a follicular unit is not infinite and will gradually run out. Thus, in a normal context, exhaustion occurs towards the end of our life.

As part of androgenetic alopecia, the hormone accelerates the duration of the hair cycle in the frontal areas and the skull. The follicular units are used up more quickly and show early baldness.


In order to redensify these bald areas, the hair is taken from the back area of ​​the skull (the crown). The follicular units in this area do not have a hormonal receptor for dihydrotestosterone, their cycles follow a normal course. Thus, the transplanted hair will not fall out early and will have the same lifespan as the hair in the donor area. They will renew themselves throughout the life of the patient. However, it is important to note that 10% of our hair falls naturally from the age of 50.