What You Need to Know About Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is a new therapy for relieving pain by enhancing lifelong healing of the musculoskeletal system’s conditions. It promotes healing for conditions such as osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tears, shoulder, knee, spine and hip pain and injuries, anterior cruciate ligament injury, pelvic pain, back and neck injuries, and sprains, among others. In this therapy, the doctor derives a solution from your blood and injects it into the ailing part to promote the healing process. If you have muscle and joint pain and would love to have a natural healing process, platelet-rich plasma may be an appropriate procedure. Your Port St. Lucie PRP specialists use advanced treatments and technologies to help promote your healing without surgery.

What is the importance of PRP?

When you get a soft tissue injury, the body responds by dispatching platelet cells enriched with growth and healing factors. It will then begin the healing process where stem cells come in to assist. Platelet-rich plasma boosts this healing process by adding more platelets.

The platelet-rich plasma helps heal sports. Sports injuries may affect the joints, ligaments, muscles, and the other soft tissues of the body. Sports injuries cause soft tissues to tear, and the ligaments take time to heal. This makes platelet-rich plasma therapy appropriate because it aims to normalize the injured joint or muscle.

Platelet-rich plasma promotes the healing of osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis leads to the reduction of hyaluronic acid, which is vital in lubricating and protecting the joints so that they work efficiently. Platelet-rich plasma are beneficial to osteoarthritis patients because it restores hyaluronic acid, thus healing the damaged joint.

Platelet-rich plasma provides a long-lasting treatment for low back pain. According to medical reports from Epoch Times, PRP treats chronic back pain because it treats ligaments and joints in the back. Platelet-rich plasma succeeds in doing this by using growth factors present in platelets.

Are there any side effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma involves injecting substances into the body; there can be potential risk factors associated with it. However, because PRP is obtained from your own body, it reduces the risks of reactions as opposed to treatments using foreign substances. You may be predisposed to risks such as infections, injury of the nerves, pain at the injected area, and tissue damage. When you visit the doctor, you should explain any risks and your preferences to avoid them.

How long will I take to recover from platelet-rich plasma injections?

For most people, there is little to no downtime after receiving the injections. You may feel a little pain at the injection site for up to three days, and the doctor may prescribe some medication to ease the discomfort.  It is advisable to rest a few days after the injections to avoid pressuring the injected area. Most people will experience relief three to four weeks after the injection; the pain then subsides in the next three to six months.

It is crucial to visit the specialist and explain everything so that they can diagnose and get the appropriate technique for you. PRP provides a long-lasting treatment and helps you to get back to your everyday life quickly. It also helps you to avoid surgery and saves time while helping you avoid the risk of serious complications of more invasive procedures.