A kid’s home is their first school. Here, they learn about home values that their parents teach them. Most of the time, these are simple and basic manners, such as learning how to clean, knowing the importance of taking a bath, how to say ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you,’ among other values that parents choose to teach them. However, not all homes are the same. Every home has its own set of unique customs that your kid does not know about. Knowing them is also crucial, especially if you want them to become a good person. How will they learn or be aware of these values that would mould them to become an empathic person? It is when you decide to enrol them into an International Baccalaureate (IB) primary school in Singapore! In a well-reputed school, you could expect that teachers would make the most out of the most critical time in your kid’s development.

In this article, you will learn about how the primary education years of your kid could contribute to their emerging abilities and how an IB primary years programme can ensure that these abilities are cultivated.

Essential Aspects of Primary Education in Child Development

Aside from being given a name, primary education is also one of the basic rights of every child. It is why governments and non-profit organisations ensure that every child can access this first stage of education. Once you have found an excellent school or institution where your child can spend her primary learning years, you must know the aspects affected during these formative years. Here are some of them:

  • Mental aspect

Being the foremost fountain of knowledge, schools open opportunities for your children to learn about people, literature, religion, among other subjects. These are crucial in cultivating their thought processes and help them develop an analytical mind!

  • Social aspect

Since school is full of learners, your child will learn sociable practices that will help them become a better person. It includes concepts of empathy, friendship, among others that IB Primary Years Programme(PYP) prioritises.

  • Physical aspect

The presence of various activities in schools, such as sports, crafting, and other extracurricular activities, your child can direct their energy to sociable avenues that are both productive and self-motivating!

What is the International Baccalaureate?

Moving on to the type of school where you can enrol your child, you should choose an IB school. IB is an education programme that aims to provide all students with an opportunity to gain an education that meets the globalising world. They offer three types of programs, the PYP Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the Diploma Programme (DP). Here is a short description of them:

  • IB PYP

Children aged 3 to 12 years old are qualified to join this programme. Here, the curriculum aims to provide an active effort to develop your child to be internationally-minded and equip them with the knowledge and skills to achieve a meaningful life!

  • IB MYP

MYP is the next stage to develop deeper but practical connections between what they learned from their IB PYP, which Singapore institutions offer, to the real world. It is their years to prepare and hone their skills for the success of getting into the next programme.

  • IB DP

Offered at international high schools in Singapore, the DP is a programme that is meant to challenge your child in academics to further their odds in getting into their desired university overseas.

Why Enrol Your Kid in an IB Academy?

The primary years are the time of your child’s life wherein they discover their abilities. They will learn to use their initiative to perform their responsibilities as a learning student at the same time, learn how to prioritise other people aside from their community. If these sound good to you, here are some reasons why you should enrol them in an IB PYP school in Singapore:

  • Transformative experience

Allowing your child to get out of their comfort zone would be a transformative experience that would deepen their understanding of living with other people. You can give them this experience when you let them in a reputable IB school!

  • Learn how to self-motivate

As early as age 3 to 12 years old, you should let your child learn how they can motivate themselves. When they know that they cannot rely on anyone’s words of encouragement but themselves, you are preparing them for an independent life that would come sooner than you expect.

  • Strengthen their knowledge and skills

Talent is useful when you learn how you could develop it. All of us have at least one, and at this young age, your child is slowly discovering theirs. With the help of the skilful instructors at an IB PYP, you can trust that they will assist in enhancing their skill set!

  • Develop their confidence

To have global recognition, you must have the confidence in yourself and in what you can do. It is behaviour that your child must learn, especially if they want to have a bright future. Allow the teachers in their IB primary school to broaden their conceptual understanding so they can have the confidence in knowing plenty of subject areas.

  • Be a future leader

It is not wrong to dream big, especially at a young age. Their dreams can drive them into developing a creative mind that can lead them to places. With what they can learn in the intercultural environment of IB academies, you can expect that your child could be a future leader someday!

Enrolling at Hillside World Academy

At Hillside World Academy, your kid learns how to help in creating a better and peaceful world. Trust that their IB primary years programme in Singapore could be a jumpstart in their bright future.

Visit their website to book an assessment for your child today!